Throughout this website we've worked hard to name all data sources used for identifying land ownership. Where we know the owner but do not have a clear source to publish, we have aimed to identify only the category of ownership. We are using all datasets mentioned in the coded-system below for non-commercial purposes, do not use the datasets for marketing and comply with all known laws/regulations including data protection.
If a data owner contacts us asking for us to take their dataset down we will do so. If a landowner believes that their parcel is identified incorrectly please contact us.
Land Parcel Boundary Data
The primary dataset that this website uses for visualising parcels of ownership is the INSPIRE Index Polygons which has had an Open Government License (OGL) since 2020 (links to download the data and the OGL license). Nowhere on this website do we enable visitors to download this dataset and we do not visualise the links between INSPIRE I.D., Title Number and polygon boundaries. The polygons may have been simplified, data may be out of date; do not rely on this data. The conditions of use are linked here and below:
This information is subject to Crown copyright and database rights 2020 and is reproduced with the permission of HM Land Registry. The polygons (including the associated geometry, namely x, y co-ordinates) are subject to Crown copyright and database rights 2020 Ordnance Survey 100026316.
Ownership Data
The source of the ownership data we use is shown in the pop up boxes when a land parcel is clicked. The data sources are coded in the following way:

CCOD - Corporate and Commercial Ownership Dataset (link to dataset and license)
Information produced by HM Land Registry © Crown copyright 2021
OCOD - Overseas Companies Ownership Data (links to dataset and license)
Information produced by HM Land Registry © Crown copyright 2021
S31 - Section 31(6) Depositions of the Highways Act 1980 (link here to Oxfordshire County Council's search function)
S15A - Section 15A(1) of the Commons Act 2006 (link here to Oxfordshire County Council's search function)
OCC - Premises and Land Ownership in Oxford City Council Administrative Area (link here to 14.04.2016 dataset)
CSSA - Countryside Stewardship Scheme Agreements, 2017 (link here to Natural England Open Data)
Data cropped to Oxfordshire from Who Owns England (see links to data sources here):
CE - Crown Estate
FC - Forestry Commission
HE - Highways England
MoD - Ministry of Defence
NT - National Trust
NR - Network Rail
RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds